How to relieve back pain: home treatment

Low back pain can occur for many reasons. The most common and frequent of them is lumbar osteonecrosis. Knowing the correct diagnosis, you can treat your back at home after consulting a specialist.

Causes of back pain

Back pain in women can be the cause of a number of gynecological diseases - uterine fibroids, adnexitis, tumors of various etiologies, sometimes it occurs during pregnancy. It can be accompanied by heaviness in the lower abdomen and occurs on both the left and right sides. If we talk about sclerosis, among other possible causes of lower back pain, both men and women are noted:

  • excess weight;
  • sitting for a long time - sitting behind the wheel or in front of the computer;
  • excessive exercise;
  • sharp lift of dumbbells;
  • stress, nervous tension often;
  • exposure to drafts, hypothermia.

Home treatment for acute low back pain should begin by addressing the cause of the inflammation. If the pain is treated continuously with medication, it is likely to recur periodically. The goal of treatment is to relieve symptoms and speed up the healing process. The choice of therapy depends on the severity of the pain.

First aid for acute pain

The spine is the support for the skeleton and the whole organism. Pain in any part of it is accompanied by rather unpleasant symptoms. A person has limited mobility, often he cannot walk on his own, the condition of other organs and systems worsens. The loin is the most vulnerable part of the spine. Since a person moves in a straight line, unlike an animal, and his lower back is the center of gravity, a huge load will be directed precisely at this part.

Osteoma and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system begin to develop at a fairly young age. Because for many people this type of activity is associated with a lot of sitting posture and there are no measures to prevent back diseases, sooner or later the discs also lose their elasticity and become the cause of many diseases, in whichhave an acute illness. form, which can cause severe pain. Such diseases include:

  • sciatica;
  • spondylolisthesis;
  • disc herniation;
  • sprains and injuries;
  • pulpitis;
  • back pain.

Sudden sharp pain disrupts the patient's lifestyle. It occurs with any load on the spine, it can begin suddenly even at rest. Risk groups include athletes, drivers, people with jobs that involve lifting weights, and people with sedentary lifestyles.

In case of severe back pain, it is important to give first aid to the victim correctly. Hold a horizontal position on a hard surface. This will help the muscles and discs to relax as much as possible, and the spasms will be relieved. After that, the affected area should be lubricated with an ointment that has a warming and analgesic effect. If pain does not subside afterward and movement remains limited, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be used. Overall they are quite effective. It is not recommended to take these drugs in large quantities. If the pain does not subside after these actions, you need to call an ambulance.

After giving first aid, in the absence of inflammation, you need to bandage the lower back tightly with a warm handkerchief, fixed in one position.

When you need expert help

You should consult your doctor immediately if, in addition to pain, the following symptoms are present:

  • pain increases;
  • in addition to the spine, it is painful in some other places;
  • sensitivity loss.

Also consult a doctor if the spine has been traumatized before.

Therapeutic Methods

Medicines can be used during the treatment of acute low back pain at home, but should only be prescribed by the attending physician. The following means are commonly used:

  • Analgesic. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are good pain relievers, but you should not take them all the time, because they have some contraindications and often cause side effects.
  • Some narcotic drugs are allowed for short-term use only under the supervision of a specialist.
  • Topical pain relievers. These include ointments, gels, creams. They are rubbed into the affected area.
  • Usually, doctors prescribe muscle relaxants to their patients. Taking such a drug is accompanied by drowsiness and dizziness.

Any medications listed must be approved by a specialist, as only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment regimen.

In some cases, when none of the medications listed can help, a cortisol injection is prescribed, which is delivered into the space around the spinal cord. Cortisol helps reduce inflammation in the nerve root area, but it can take several months until the pain syndrome is completely eliminated.

Physiotherapy and exercise therapy

In some situations, drug therapy is contraindicated. For example, pregnant women, lactating women, patients with medical conditions should not take the drug. In such cases, many doctors recommend non-drug treatments for their patients.

Exercise is a good pain reliever. It allows you to quickly relieve back pain at home, relieve muscle tension, eliminate pain and increase the strength of the muscle corset. The positive effects of exercise on the patient's sleep, whole body and nervous system are well documented. The duration of the main exercise is about 5 minutes, but the effect can be felt in the process.

One of the most useful exercises is the "cat" exercise. You need to stand on all fours, bend your spine down, then bend upwards in an arc. You must remain in each position for 7 seconds.

Twisting has a positive effect on the entire spine. To perform them, you need to sit on a hard surface, lying on your back. Rotate the bent leg at the knee to one side and the body to the other. At the same time, it is important to feel how all the muscles are stretched.

Stand on all fours, resting your head and shoulders on the chair. Slowly pull the lumbar spine, first in one direction, then in the other.

Massage and self-massage

back pain massage

The benefits of massage are obvious:

  • pain relief;
  • stimulates blood circulation;
  • improves lymphatic flow;
  • restores the conductivity of nerve fibers;
  • remove eye bags;
  • Prevents inflammation in the body.

However, the massage should only be performed by a specialist, otherwise the situation can be aggravated.

Massage is contraindicated in the acute phase of the disease, at high temperatures, tumor diseases, thrombosis, hypertension, disc displacement, tuberculosis and some pathologies of the cardiac organs.

You should learn basic self-massage techniques. Before performing, you need to warm up your back, lie on your stomach and keep your head up. Then, sit down and pull your hands behind your head, trying to fasten the lock. Then, with the right hand, you need to wash the muscles along the spine, repeat the same with the left hand. Next, the sides are kneaded with two hands. After the massage, you need to wrap yourself in a warm blanket and lie down in a quiet environment.

Paraffin therapy

Paraffin application for back pain treatment

Paraffin treatment is good for acute low back pain. The aim of the procedure is to increase blood and lymph flow in tissues with impaired blood supply. During this process, warm molten paraffin is applied to the affected area. In this case, the average width of the layer should be at least 15 mm. Paraffin wax is covered with a film and a warm blanket on top for a relaxing effect. The course of treatment is from 7 to 20 days.

Folk methods of treatment

Traditional treatments include rubbing, using tinctures, compresses, and bathing. A compress, which is prepared on the basis of honey and vinegar, has proven to be good. Relieve pain very quickly in the lower back by applying warm salt in a cloth bag. Mustard baths relax and relieve muscle tension. After any of these procedures, you'll need to put on warm clothes and secure your back with a warm towel.

Back pain prevention

After the pain and inflammation are reduced, you need to make sure that such an attack does not recur. To do this, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle - give up bad habits, balance your diet, choose the right mattress for sleeping and resting. Light exercises for the back muscles should be performed daily, and a massage session should be performed every six months. It is important to understand the importance of water treatments for a healthy back. Swimming in pools, circular showers, douches - all these contribute to the health of the back and the whole body.

It's important to balance your diet with plenty of vitamins and minerals. It is necessary to take into account your need for BZHU and comply with it. It helps build muscle mass, helps support the spine, and helps with weight loss.